必读| 为提升养老院服务质量看看各地都在怎么做! |
添加时间:2017/9/7 15:30:52 浏览次数: |
为贯彻落实习近平总书记在中央财经工作领导小组第14次会议上关于“尽快在养老院服务质量上有明显改善”的讲话精神,按期保量执行好民政部等六部委作出的“开展全国养老院服务质量建设专项行动”的决策部署,全国各地紧锣密鼓展开行动。 To implement the general secretary Xi Jinping at the central financial work leading group of the fourteenth meeting on "as soon as possible in the service quality of nursing homes has obvious improvement on" the spirit of the speech, and to perform well the Ministry of civil affairs and other six ministries to "carry out the national pension service quality construction of the special action of the decision to deploy, the country launched wildly beating gongs and drums action. 北京将建养老机构黑名单虐老欺老等行为将被列入 Beijing will build the pension institutions blacklist elder abuse bullying behavior will be included in the other 近日,北京市民政局发布《关于开展养老机构服务质量建设专项行动全面提升养老行业服务质量水平的实施意见》。北京市将大力推进养老机构的医养融合建设,通过独立建设内设医疗机构、引入医疗机构分支、与医疗机构联合建设、签订医疗服务合作协议等多种方式,提高养老医疗卫生服务和健康管理水平。同时,建立养老机构黑名单制度,将虐老欺老行为、家属反映投诉、安全责任事故、综合责任险出险、违法违规开展金融活动等情况录入诚信档案及黑名单范围,加大行政执法力度,倒逼养老机构提高服务质量。建立养老机构退出机制,发现严重违法违规行为且不整改以及因违法违规行为导致事故的养老机构,向社会公告并通报相关部门。 Recently, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs issued a special action on the quality of service construction of pension institutions, and comprehensively promoted the implementation of the quality of service in the pension industry. Beijing city will vigorously promote the construction of the medical support integration of pension institutions, through independent construction within the medical institutions, medical institutions, and the introduction of branch of medical institutions, medical service joint construction signed a cooperation agreement in a variety of ways to improve the pension, medical and health services and health management. At the same time, to establish a blacklist system of pension institutions, the elder abuse bullying behavior, old families reflect complaints, general liability accident, accident insurance, illegal conduct financial activities such as input file integrity and blacklist, strengthen the administrative law enforcement, forced pension institutions to improve the quality of service. The establishment of retirement institutions, and found serious violations of law and not rectification, as well as illegal activities caused by the accident of the pension institutions, to the public announcement and notify the relevant departments. 山东打造“孝润齐鲁·安养山东”服务品牌 Shandong to build the "filial Anyang Shandong Qilu - run service brand 近日,山东省民政厅等5部门联合印发了《山东省养老院服务质量建设专项行动实施方案》,部署开展养老院服务质量建设专项行动,着力解决影响养老院服务质量的突出问题,全面提升服务水平,打造“孝润齐鲁·安养山东”服务品牌。到2017年底,养老院服务质量明显改善,全省统一的服务质量标准和评价体系初步建立,60%以上的养老院能够以不同形式为入住老年人提供医疗卫生服务。到2020年,建立全省统一的养老服务质量标准和评价体系,养老院服务质量总体水平显著提升,所有养老院能够以不同形式为入住老年人提供医疗卫生服务,形成一批品牌形象突出、服务功能完备、质量水平一流的连锁化养老院。 Recently, the Shandong Provincial Department of civil affairs and other 5 departments jointly issued the "Shandong province construction of nursing home service quality special action plan", to carry out the deployment of nursing home service quality of the construction of the special action, efforts to solve outstanding problems affecting the service quality of nursing homes, improve the service level, to create "filial piety Anyang Shandong Qilu - run service brand. By the end of 2017, the service quality of nursing homes is obviously improved, the service quality standard and unified evaluation system established, more than 60% of the nursing homes to provide health services for the elderly stay in different forms. By 2020, the pension service quality standards and establish a unified evaluation system, the overall level of service quality of nursing homes increased significantly, all nursing homes to provide health services for the elderly stay in different forms, the formation of a number of prominent brand, service function, quality first-class level of the complete chain of nursing homes. 广西举办专题培训提升养老院服务质量 Guangxi holds special training to improve the service quality of nursing homes 日前,广西壮族自治区民政厅举办了全区养老院服务质量建设专题培训班。培训班分为行政班和养老机构班,各市、县(市、区)社会福利和慈善事业促进科(股)、社会救助科、低保股、老龄办负责同志以及县级以上公办养老机构、民办养老机构共计480余人参加了培训。通过这次全区范围的培训,确保在5月10日前完成“全国养老机构业务管理系统”相关指标数据录入、上报的工作目标,摸清全区养老机构的底数。同时,通过培训推动全区养老院硬件设施的改善、软件服务的提升,使养老院服务质量有明显提升。 The day before, the the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Civil Affairs Department organized the construction of the region's nursing home service quality special training. The training course is divided into administrative classes and pension institutions class, municipalities and counties (cities, districts) to promote social welfare and charity Department (shares), social assistance, and low stock, Aging office responsible comrades and at or above the county level public pension institutions, private pension institutions totaling more than 480 people attended the training. The whole region of the training, to ensure the completion of relevant indicators of business management system "national pension agency data entry, reporting objectives before May 10th, the pension agency to find out the base. At the same time, through training to promote the improvement of the region's nursing home hardware, software services upgrade, so that the quality of service in nursing homes has been significantly improved. 四川制定《养老院服务质量自查评分表》 Sichuan formulated the self service scale of nursing homes scoring table 4月18日,四川省民政厅印发《四川省民政厅等五部门关于印发四川省开展养老院服务质量建设专项行动实施方案的通知》,制定《四川省养老院服务质量自查评分表》,建立四川省养老院服务质量建设专项行动联席会议制度和四川省提高养老院服务质量推进工作小组。4月13日-14日,省民政厅举办全省养老院服务质量建设专题培训班,深入学习了有关讲话精神,传达了全国养老院服务质量建设专项行动的要求,邀请了民政部和省消防总队相关专家进行授课。全省21个市(州)民政局分管领导,社会福利、社会救助、优抚科科长、市级全国养老机构业务管理系统管理员共112人参加培训。 In April 18th, the Sichuan provincial Civil Affairs Department issued the "notice" of Sichuan provincial Civil Affairs Department and other five departments on the issuance of Sichuan province to carry out nursing service quality of the construction of the implementation of the special action plan, formulated "Sichuan Academy of endowment service quality self evaluation form", the establishment of the joint meeting of the quality of service pension Institute of Sichuan province construction and improve the system of the special action of Sichuan province the quality of service pension promoting working group. On April 13th -14, the provincial Civil Affairs Department held the province's Pension Service Quality Construction Institute of special training, in-depth study of the spirit of the speech, to convey the national pension service quality of the construction of special operations requirements, invited the Ministry of civil affairs and the provincial fire brigade relevant experts in teaching. 21 city of the province (state) Civil Affairs Bureau in charge of the leadership, social welfare, social assistance, special section, municipal national pension agency business management system administrator a total of 112 people participated in the training. 陕西建立以质量为导向的养老服务发展机制 The establishment of quality oriented pension service development mechanism in Shaanxi 陕西省民政厅将联合省质监局成立养老服务业标准委员会,推动出台《居家养老服务基本规范》等一系列养老服务标准;培育30个养老服务标准化示范机构,并支持20个养老服务机构申报省级服务业标准化示范项目。在继续实施养老护理员“千人培训计划”的基础上,市、县(区)两级结合本地资源,建立初级、中级护理员培训体系,不断提高养老护理员持证上岗比例,组织开展养老机构防灾减灾应急演练与防灾减灾知识教育培训,切实提升风险防范能力。与此同时,要攻克医养结合发展难题,省民政厅和省卫计委支持培育50个养老机构医养融合发展项目,并确保全省50%的养老机构能够开展医疗卫生服务,增强养老院服务失能和部分失能老年人的能力。 Shaanxi provincial Civil Affairs Department, the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau will jointly set up pension services standards committee, promote the introduction of "basic norms" home-based care services such as a series of pension service standards; cultivate 30 pension service standardization demonstration institutions, and support 20 pension services to declare provincial service industry standardization demonstration project. Based on the continued implementation of the nursing staff "thousand training plan", the city and county (District) level two with local resources, the establishment of primary and secondary nursing staff training system, continuously improve the nursing staff posts proportion, organize emergency drills and pension institutions of disaster prevention and mitigation disaster prevention knowledge education and training, and effectively improve the risk the ability to prevent. At the same time, to overcome the combination of medical care development problems, the provincial Civil Affairs Department and the Provincial Planning Commission to support the cultivation of 50 pension institutions to the development of the medical support integration project, and to ensure that the province's 50% pension institutions to carry out medical and health services, strengthen nursing home services, disability and partial disability ability of the elderly. 广州建立特殊群体老年人动态管理数据库 Establishment of dynamic management database for elderly people in special groups in Guangzhou 广东省广州市民政局近日针对养老服务热点,出台加强独居、空巢、失能等老年人关爱服务的十条措施。其中包括通过掌握广州特殊群体老年人数量、分布及其养老服务需求等基本情况,建立特殊群体老年 Guangzhou Guangdong Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs recently for the pension service hot spots, introduced to strengthen the "alone", "empty nest", "disability" and other elderly care services ten measures. These include the establishment of special groups, old age through the basic situation of the number of special groups in Guangzhou, the number of elderly people, the distribution and the needs of the provision of services for the aged |
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