老年公寓的利与弊 |
添加时间:2017/9/4 17:51:39 浏览次数: |
不少上了年纪的老人,在子女纷纷离家自立后,家宅空空荡荡,少了人气,越来越感到孤独,甚至缺乏安全感。对于独身一人,日常自理开始产生困难的,改善生活环境显得尤其迫切。然而,老人们并不愿意因此离开多年习惯了的居所,尤其不肯被子女送进有医疗服务的养老院。针对这种现状,一些房地产经营商寻找到另一种新思维,推出适应老年人生活的公寓住房。这些老年公寓设施齐全,还有洗衣、家务、餐饮等生活服务,对老人很有诱惑力,但同时,也有一些收费高昂、不收留失去自理能力老人的弊端。 Many elderly people, after their children have become independent from home, home empty, less popular, more and more lonely, even insecure. For a single person, daily self-care starts to create difficulties, and improving the living environment is especially urgent. However, old people are reluctant to leave their old habits, especially in nursing homes. In response, some real estate operators have found a new way of thinking about apartments for elderly people. These elderly apartment facilities, and laundry, housework, catering services, such as life for the elderly has allure very much, but at the same time, there are some charge high, not received the disadvantages of losing ability to care for the old man. 利:拎包入住 畅享所有服务 Li: check in and enjoy all the services 年届85岁高龄的莫尼卡·卡赫汀是北方省居民,有两儿一女。这位开朗的老太太不久前在女儿陪伴下,搬进了同在59省离家不远的新宅。她回忆道:“几个孩子一直不放心我独自一人生活。房子这么大,上下楼梯不方便,可一直找不到妥善解决的办法。三个月前,我突然收到Domitys房产公司的一份租楼广告邮件,它们建造的一个小区宅子正巧离我家不远。女儿于是陪我前往参观,看中了四层有大阳台的一个三居室。”卡赫汀老太太没有多犹豫,很快卖掉了原来的大房子,搬进有齐全服务、私家停车场的新居。她显然非常满意自己的新生活:“每天我还可以去小区楼里的游泳池泡上一小时,那里的阅览室和俱乐部条件都非常好。负责生活服务的都是年轻人,个个态度和蔼”。老人家在那里跟自己的小狗过日子,如鱼得水,再不因为日常生活琐事发愁,子女们自然是非常高兴。当然,舒适的住房和优质服务都需要经济基础支撑,卡赫汀老太太住在59省,每月需要缴1900欧元房租。 At the age of 85, monica kadatin is a northern province resident with two sons and a daughter. The outgoing woman, accompanied by her daughter, moved into a new house not far from her home in 59 governorate. She recalls: "a few kids have been worrying about my life alone. The house is so big that it is inconvenient to go up and down stairs, but there is no way to solve it properly. Three months ago, I suddenly received a rent advertisement from Domitys real estate, which was building a residential house just outside my home. The daughter then accompany me to visit, saw four floor have big balcony a 3 bedroom." She didn't hesitate to sell her big house and move into a new home in a fully serviced, private car park. She was obviously very happy with her new life: "every day I would go to the pool in the building for an hour, where the reading room and club conditions were very good. The people in charge of life service are young people, and all are kind. The old man lived with his own little dog there, so that he could not be bothered by the trifles of daily life, and the children were naturally very happy. Of course, comfortable housing and quality services need the support of the economy, and the old lady, who lives in 59 provinces, pays a monthly rent of 1,900 euros. 为了扩大房屋建筑规模,“三角模式”应运而生。所谓“三角模式”,是指将投资房产者、提供服务者和住房消费者三方面聚于一体,合力解决建房资金筹措、改善居住服务和老有所居问题的新举措。近年来,政府大力鼓励并配合这种努力。私企挑头建房,民间参与投资,服务单位联手,最终建成老年人福利公寓。个人参与这类服务性住房建筑投资,可以享受税收上的减免优惠。 In order to expand the building scale, "triangular model" emerged. So-called "triangle pattern", refers to the investment real estate, services and housing consumers gather at an organic whole, solution construction financing, improving the service and the old to new measures of the problem. In recent years, the government has strongly encouraged and cooperated with such efforts. Private companies build houses, private investment and service units, and eventually the elderly welfare apartments. Individuals who participate in such services are eligible for tax breaks. 这些公寓房的主要服务对象是尚有生活自理能力,希望比原先住得更安全、方便些的老年人。公寓里有交际活动场所,同时个人完全可以保持“私密园地”。目前入住这类公寓的老人群体,经济条件一般都相当阔绰。公寓提供洗衣、家务、饮食、门房和24小时不间断照料等生活服务,另外还组织文化活动。其中一些是有偿服务,各有收费标准,在物业费外另算缴纳。 The main service objects of these apartment buildings are the ability to live on their own and hope to be safer and more convenient than the old ones. There are social activities in the apartment, and individuals can keep "private gardens" entirely. The current group of elderly people who live in such apartments are generally fairly wealthy. The apartments provide laundry, housekeeping, food, concierge and 24-hour care, as well as cultural activities. Some of these are paid services, each with a fee standard, in addition to the property fee. 利:聪明房屋 解决后顾之忧 Leon: smart home solutions 在社会各界为逐渐失去自主生活能力老人寻找舒适住宿方案中,很自然有人想到借力于新科技这条道路,将自动化管理技术应用到住房领域。近年来正在探索管理路径的“自动化房屋”,也称“聪明房屋”被提上日程,且已经由GDP Vendome集团大力开发。该房产集团推出的“Villa Sully”项目,以及其“全联套房”项目,可以大大便利老年住户的日常生活。更有甚者,“聪明房屋”还具有预测风险,及时防范的功能。因为,各家套房是与管理部门的门房处于每周7天,每天24小时不间断联网状态的,与住宅区连接的还有一个遥控紧急救助中心。 In the social from all walks of life for gradually lose independent life ability old man looking for the comfortable accommodation scheme, they naturally think about from on the road, the new technology will be automated management technology is applied to housing. The "automated houses" that have been exploring management paths in recent years, also known as smart homes, have been on the agenda and have been vigorously developed by the GDM group. The property group's "Villa Sully" project and its "all-in suite" program can greatly facilitate the daily life of elderly residents. Moreover, "smart homes" have the ability to predict risks and prevent them in time. Because the suites are connected to the management department for seven days a week, 24 hours a day of uninterrupted networking, and a remote-controlled emergency rescue center. 事实上,建造房屋前,选址考虑就非常周到,基本上附近都有健康医疗机构、家政服务点,甚至专门向住户提供特价饭菜的餐馆。这一房产开发集团已在74省建造了一批90套的住房,并计划今后每年推出5个类似的“Villa Sully聪明房”。 In fact, it's very thoughtful to have a site before building a house, and basically there are health clinics, housekeeping services, and even restaurants that offer special meals to residents. The property development group has built a fleet of 90 homes in 74 provinces and plans to launch five similar "Villa Sully smart rooms" each year. 弊:费用高昂 不具备真正医疗能力 Disadvantages: high cost does not have true medical ability 老人公寓的兴起,最初基于共同业主的理念,逐渐扩展服务范围,发展到今天的服务到人,因人而异,尽量满足特殊要求的高水平。房屋大致都是一至三室套间,月租介于400至2000欧元不等。与上文介绍的卡赫汀老太太相比,住在南特市44号公寓里的热娜维沃,反应则全然不同。她是帕金森疾病患者,因此入住在服务专区“美好时代”,初期兴奋过后,她发现开销比预期要高许多:除去每月房租420欧元,每人必须要交851欧元生活费,内容包括呼叫求助268欧元、餐厅就餐费427欧元(吃不吃都需要交,每顿17欧元),以及供门房和每月买开胃酒的“接待费”156欧元。因为承担不起费用,热娜维沃住了六个月就离开了。热娜维沃的经验说明,公寓服务看上去很诱人,却不能大意,签约前必须仔细研究是否符合个人意愿和承受能力。 The rise of old people's apartment, originally based on the concept of common owners, gradually expanded the service scope, developed to today's service to people, different from person to person, and try to meet the high level of special requirements. The houses are generally between one and three suites, with monthly rent ranging from 400 to 2,000 euros. Compared to the old lady, who lived in apartment 44 in nantes, the reaction was totally different. She is in patients with Parkinson's disease, so stay in service zone "good old days", after the initial excitement, she found that spending is much higher than expected: remove the monthly rent 420 euros, must pay 851 euro per person cost of living, the content including the call for help, restaurant table money 427 euros 268 euros (eat do not eat all need pay, each meal 17 euros), as well as for the concierge and every month to buy an aperitif "expenses" 156 euros. Because she couldn't afford it, she stayed for six months and left. The experience of gena vivo shows that apartment services look attractive, but they can't be careless. They must be carefully studied before they sign up for their personal will and tolerance. 另一个常常被掩盖的难题是,老年人如若突如其来病重,陷入长时期依赖他人生活的困境,问题会变得很复杂。实际上,这些所谓配备齐全服务的公寓,并不真正具备医疗能力,日常小毛病尚可对付,大多由小区的医务人员承担,却不能收留失去自理能力的老年病人。 Another problem that is often covered is that the problem can be complicated if the elderly are suddenly sick and are stuck in a long period of dependence on others' lives. In fact, the so-called equipped service apartment, don't really have the ability to medical and small problems can be deal with daily, mostly borne by the community medical personnel, but can't keep losing ability to care for elderly patients. |
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