当你老了,会选择去养老院吗? |
添加时间:2017/9/2 17:45:23 浏览次数: |
有一个调查显示,会把父母送去养老院的微乎其微,而,当自己老了,自己去养老院的人,却又很多。是自己真的想去吗?我觉得大部分原因是不想给子女的造成负担。现在80,90独生子女的压力太大了,还房贷,还车贷,还要赡养至少4个老人。现在2胎政策开房了,还要养2个孩子。所以现在2胎政策虽然开放了,可是年轻人还是好多不要的,因为经济压力太大了。 There is a survey that shows that it is very small to send parents to a nursing home, and when they are old, they go to nursing homes. Do you really want to go? I think most of the reason is not to burden the children. Now 80, 90 only children are under too much pressure, mortgage, car loans, and care for at least four elderly people. Now we have a two-child policy and we have two children. So now the two-child policy is open, but young people still don't have much, because the economic pressure is too great. 我在养老院遇到了3个有代表性的老人。一个老太太,经常和护工大吵大闹,比如说,给我洗脚水得烫死我啊,做的饭是给猪吃的吗?稍有不慎就会破口大骂。其实老人是个非常可怜的人。无儿无女,年轻的时候,给别人剃头维持生计。还把一部分钱寄给偏远地区的孩子,孩子们还会经常给她写信,后来住进养老院,和孩子们的联系断了,也没有人来看她,所以性格变得非常古怪。 I met three representative old people in the nursing home. An old lady, often make a scene with the nurses, for example, wash my feet and die of me, do the food for the pigs? A slight immodesty will break the curse. The old man was a very poor man. Childless, young, shaving someone's head to make a living. Also send some money to children in remote areas, the children will often write to her, then live in a nursing home, and children touch is broken, and no one came to see her, so personality become very strange. 第二个老人,是寂寞的,每天拿放大镜看报纸。看见个年轻人去,会拉着手,聊半天,聊他年轻时候的事。他是寂寞的。 The second old man, lonely, read the newspaper daily with a magnifying glass. When he saw a young man, he would hold hands, chat for a while, and talk about his youth. He is lonely. 还有老人是快乐的的,有个老太太,在养老院里找到了他的黄昏恋,每天能看到2个人,牵手走在河畔,互相依偎。 And the old man was happy. There was an old lady who found his yellow crush in the nursing home. He could see two people every day, walk hand in hand, and snuggle with each other. 现在的年轻人,没有办法保证天天陪在老人身边,如果,老人磕着碰着了,没有人会知道,那有多可怕。如果送去了养老院,父母会不会觉得的子女很不孝顺。父母最需要的是子女的陪伴,有子女陪伴的老人是幸福的。 Now young people, there is no way to guarantee to accompany with the old man every day, if, the old man bumps and touches, no one will know, that how terrible. If sent to a nursing home, parents will not feel the children are not filial. What parents need most is the company of their children, and the elderly who are accompanied by their children are happy. 所以不管你有忙多累,都抽出点时间,回家看看老人吧。 So no matter how tired you are, take time to go home and see the old man. |
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