老年公寓常见意外事件及预防方法 |
添加时间:2017/9/2 10:15:33 浏览次数: |
一、走失 A, lost 1、原因 1, the reason why 老人主要受幻觉、妄想的支配,或因为对入住环境的不适应而离家出走。 The elderly are mainly delusional or delusional, or they leave home because they are not comfortable with the environment. 2、预防方法 2. Prevention methods (1)对重点老人要重点观察,做到心中有数。 (1) focus on the important old people and make sure they know what they are. (2)及时发现老人的心理变化,避免使用刺激性的语言 (2) timely find out the mental changes of old people and avoid stimulating language (3)及时发现问题,将有可能走失的老人随时置于护理员的视线之内。 (3) timely detection of problems and the possibility of losing the old man at any time in the sight of the nurse. 二、跌倒 Second, the fall 1、原因 1, the reason why (1)穿着不适,如穿过长的裤子或不舒适的鞋。或穿着拖鞋或袜子行走。 (1) wear discomfort, such as wearing long trousers or uncomfortable shoes. Or walk in slippers or socks. (2)室内光线不充足。地面不平整或湿滑、地面未使用防滑材料等。 (2) inadequate indoor lighting. The ground is not flat or slippery, the ground is not used anti-slip material. (3)室内家具放置不合理或开门方向设计不合理,老人被障碍物拌到。 (3) improper placement of indoor furniture and unreasonable design of the door, the old man is mixed with obstacles. (4)药物或疾病的影响。如神志不清、心血管疾病、双腿无力等。 (4) the effects of drugs or diseases. Such as delirious, cardiovascular disease, and the inability of the legs to wait. 2、预防方法 2. Prevention methods (1)室内光线要充足,穿舒适的鞋袜,避免衣着过长。 (1) the indoor light should be adequate, wear comfortable shoes and socks, and avoid wearing too long. (2)居住环境要平整无杂物,尽量减少台阶,必须设置台阶时,要低缓无障碍。 (2) the living environment should be flat and unsundry, and the steps should be reduced as far as possible. (3)室内家具放置合理。开门方向要合理。(应向房间里面开,而不是向过道开)。 (3) reasonable indoor furniture. Open the door to be reasonable. (should be opened to the room, not to the passage). (4)活动空间要宽松,家具杂务不要过多,便于老人通过。家具要做到无棱角,不使用玻璃家具。 (4) the activity space should be loose, and the furniture should not be too much for the elderly to pass. Furniture should do not have corner, do not use glass furniture. (5)厕所和浴室扶手位置合理,无松动。防滑脚垫、浴盆垫不滑动,放置安全。老人最好用盆浴,或坐在洗澡椅上洗浴,防止洗浴时滑倒跌伤。 (5) the toilet and bathroom armrests are reasonable and not loose. The anti-skid pad, the bath mat does not slide, place safety. The old man is best to use a bath, or sit in the bath chair to wash bath, prevent to slip fall when wash bath. (6)老人外出时注意安全,如搭乘电梯时要扶好扶手;尽可能贴近墙边和扶着栏杆行走。避免到人多和湿滑的场所。 (6) when the old man goes out, he should pay attention to his safety. Stay as close to the wall as possible and hold the railing. Avoid people and slippery places. (7)帮助老人选择适合的助行器具,如轮椅、助行器、手杖等。有视力障碍的老人选择适当的眼镜,听觉有障碍的老人应选择助听器,弥补视觉和听觉上的障碍。 (7) help the old man to choose suitable aid equipment, such as wheelchair, walker, cane, etc. Elderly people with visual impairments choose appropriate glasses and hearing AIDS can be used to compensate for visual and auditory impairments. 三、坠床 Third, drop of bed 1、原因 1, the reason why (1)老人骨骼、肌肉张力减弱,自我保护的动作迟缓,不慎从床上掉下。 (1) the old man's bone and muscle tone weakened, and his self-protection was slow, and he dropped from the bed. (2)偏瘫、肢体活动能力受限的老人,翻身时不慎失去平衡,发生坠床。 (2) the elderly, who are paralyzed and limited in physical activity, lose their balance when turning over and fall into a bed. (3)老年疾病所致意识障碍,或因血压不稳定,导致夜间入厕时晕倒。 (3) mental disorders caused by old age, or unstable blood pressure, resulting in fainting at night. 2、预防方法 2. Prevention methods (1)睡床最好一侧靠墙,老人睡床的高度要比一般睡床低(距地面45厘米)。 (1) the best side of the bed is against the wall, and the old man has a low height (45 cm from the ground). (2)协助老人起床时做到“三慢”,即再醒后在床上静躺数分钟慢起床→坐起后停数分钟再慢站起→站起后停数分钟后再慢行走。 (2) help the old man to get up "three slow", that is, to lie still in bed for a few minutes after waking up, to sit up and stop for a few minutes before standing up and stop for a few minutes after standing up. (3)增加肢体锻炼,增强肌肉张力,保持身体的协调性、平衡能力。 (3) increase the physical activity, strengthen the muscle tone, and maintain the coordination and balance of the body. (4)协助有意识障碍的老人睡前排尿,并在床旁放置便器;必要时睡床旁边放椅子、软枕加以保护。 (4) to assist the elderly with conscious impairment to urinate before going to bed, and to place urinals next to the bed; The chair and cushion should be protected when necessary. 四、宠物咬伤 Iv. Pet bite 1、原因 1, the reason why 家庭中的老人,有些因为孤独寂寞,而喜欢养犬、猫等宠物。宠物之间打闹嬉戏误伤老人或老人被感染的宠物抓伤、咬伤等,应尽快处理。如图4-25 Old people in the family, some because of lonely lonely, but prefer dogs, cats and other pets. The pet may play and play with the elderly or the old person is infected pet scratching, bite, should be dealt with as soon as possible. As shown in figure 4-25 2、预防方法 2. Prevention methods (1)宠物主人及时为宠物注射狂犬病疫苗。 (1) the pet owner promptly injected rabies vaccine for pets. (2)带宠物出门时一定要拴好链子。重点保护自己身上的伤口不被狗舔到。 (2) be sure to tie up your pet when you go out. Focus on protecting your wounds from dogs. (3)提醒老人外出时不要招惹和挑逗宠物。 (3) remind old people not to provoke and flirt with pets when they go out. 【案例】某女性老人,72岁。平日喜欢小动物,外出遛弯遇到小宠物时总会上前抚摸、戏弄它们几下。一日老人下楼走到庭院中央,突遇后边跑来的小狗,小狗冲着老人的腿部猛扑过去,其腿部被抓出三道血痕。老人非常不以为然,口中念叨着:“没事,没事,涂点酒精就没事了”。 [case] a female old man, 72 years old. Like small animals on weekdays, when they go for a walk, they will always touch and tease their pets. One day, the old man went down to the middle of the courtyard and ran into the dog. The dog rushed at the old man's leg, and he was caught in the leg by three traces of blood. The old man was very dismissive, and said, "it's all right. It's ok. 【点评】老人被宠物咬伤后应及时救治,可立即用流动水彻底冲洗伤口,而后前往医院按照医生的治疗方法注射“狂犬疫苗”,同时注意监测身体健康状况,千万不可大意擅自认为“没事”、不去采取任何救助措施,如果如此将会给老人的生命健康带来威胁。 [on] the old man after being bitten by a pet should be timely treatment, immediately wash the wound thoroughly with flowing water, and then went to the hospital, in accordance with the "wild dog vaccine," the doctor's treatment injection monitoring at the same time, pay attention to body health, don't careless to think "it's okay", don't take any relief measures, if so will bring to the old man's life and health threats. 五、噎呛 Five, the choke choke 是指进食时,食物误入气管或卡在食道第一狭窄处压迫呼吸道,一般表现为进食过程中突然严重呛咳,目光恐惧发直,呼吸困难甚至窒息。有的老人可能出现面色苍白或紫绀。 Refers to eat, food into the trachea or stuck in the esophagus first narrow oppression of respiratory tract, in the process of general performance for eating suddenly serious choke to cough, eye fear hair straight, breathing problems and even suffocation. Some old people may appear pale or purple. 1、原因 1, the reason why (1)偏瘫、失语、活动受限的老人,因咀嚼无力、吞咽困难,或因吞咽、咳嗽反射减弱,而将食物误入气管,引起噎呛。 (1) the elderly who are hemiplegic, aphasia, and restricted activities are unable to chew, have difficulty in swallowing, or reduce their swallowing and coughing reflex, and the food strays into the trachea, causing choking. (2)吃东西时兴奋说话,笑闹或进食速度过快。 (2) eat and talk, laugh or eat too fast. (3)戴假牙的老人进食时,不易感觉到食物的大小,引起噎呛。 (3) when the old man in the dentures eats, it is not easy to feel the size of the food and causes choking. 2、预防方法 2. Prevention methods (1)进食前做“饭前准备操”,通过活动肢体关节、颈面部肌肉以及舌、咀嚼肌群、吞咽肌群和做深呼吸运动,伸展肌肉,改善情绪,增进食欲,防止噎呛。 (1) before eating "before a meal ready to fuck", through activity body, neck, facial muscles and joints, chewing tongue muscles, swallowing muscle and deep breathing exercise, stretch muscles, improve mood, appetite, prevent choke choke. (2)选择适合老人的饮食种类(普食、软食、半流食、流食),一般以质软、易咀嚼的食物为宜。 (2) choose a diet that is suitable for the elderly (pup, soft food, semi-liquid food, and liquid food). It is generally suitable for food that is soft and easy to chew. (3)帮助进食时注意力集中并调整好身体姿势,头不要向后仰。一次放入口中的食物要适量,并要细嚼慢咽。 (3) focus and adjust body position while helping to eat. Don't tilt your head back. Eat a proper amount of food at one time and eat slowly. (4)吞咽困难的老人可选择流质饮食,如果发生呛咳的可能性大,可将食物搅拌呈糊状后再食用。 (4) the elderly who have difficulty swallowing can choose a liquid diet. If the likelihood of coughing is high, stir the food into a paste and then eat it. (5)戴有假牙的老人不要食用圆形、带粘性的食物。 (5) don't eat round, sticky food with dentures. (6)老人进食最好选用低杯、深碗,必要时使用改良的餐具。 (6) it is best to choose the low-cup, deep bowl and use the modified tableware when necessary. 六、烫伤、触电、火灾 6. Scald, electric shock, fire 1、原因 1, the reason why (1)被热水、热饭、蒸气等的烫伤;使用电器时因躲闪不及可能触电。另外,老人记忆力下降,味觉、视觉也较为迟钝,常引起火灾等意外事故。 (1) scalding of hot water, hot rice and steam; When using an electrical appliance, it is impossible to avoid electric shock. In addition, the old man's memory is reduced, taste, vision is slow, often cause fire accidents. (2)烧伤和烫伤造成皮肤粘膜损伤,轻者皮肤肿胀,起水泡,疼痛;重者血管、神经、呼吸道也可烧伤。烧伤引起的剧烈疼痛和皮肤渗出等因素能导致休克,危及生命。 (2) burns and scalds cause skin mucosal damage, and light skin swelling, blistering, and pain; Heavy blood vessels, nerves, respiratory tract can also burn. Severe pain caused by burns and skin seeping can lead to shock and life. 2、预防方法 2. Prevention methods (1)老人饮用、洗漱用的热水不能超过43℃。使用热水袋时不能超过50℃,热水袋不要直接接触皮肤,要装入用毛巾制作的套中,并注意观察皮肤情况。对意识障碍或肢体麻痹的老人,热水带应放置在离身体10厘米处。 (1) the old man to drink, wash in hot water can't more than 43 ℃. Use hot water bag can't more than 50 ℃, hot water bag don't direct contact with the skin, to load the made of towel sets, and observe the skin. For an elderly person with an awareness disorder or body paralysis, the hot water zone should be placed about 10 cm from the body. (2)食用热汤时,温度要适宜。必要时向老人说明,唤起注意。 (2) when eating hot soup, the temperature should be suitable. Explain to the old person when necessary and call attention. (3)使用烤灯等热疗器具时,应距皮肤45厘米,时间不超过15分钟,并注意经常观察皮肤情况。 (3) when using heat therapy apparatus such as baking lamps, it should be 45 cm from the skin, not more than 15 minutes, and observe the skin condition frequently. (4)护理老人洗澡时,应先放凉水,后放热水,水温不宜过高、洗浴时间不宜过长。 (4) when nursing an old man to take a bath, he should put cold water first, then put hot water, not too high water temperature, not too long bath time. (5)使用电熨斗、电暖气、厨房用具时,要注意让老人避开。 (5) when using electric irons, electric heating, and kitchen utensils, pay attention to keeping the elderly away. (6)记忆力减退的老人,应选用带报时器、报警器的等家用物品。如有鸣笛装置的饭锅、水壶等。 (6) elderly people with impaired memory should use household items such as time detectors and alarms. If there is a cooker, kettle, etc. (7)叮嘱老人尽量避免使用电器,如必须使用时,要反复告之使用的注意事项,并定期检查电器的完好程度。 (7) instruct the old man to avoid the use of electric appliances as far as possible. If he must use it, he will repeatedly inform the use of the precautions and check the condition of the electrical appliances regularly. (8)在可能发生危险的地方或装置上(如台阶、煤气开关及灶台、电插销等) (8) where there may be dangerous places or installations (such as steps, gas switches and hearth, electric bolt, etc.) |
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