老人养老院摔伤 医疗费谁买单? |
添加时间:2017/9/8 17:18:58 浏览次数: |
姜大爷今年80岁,患有高血压、心脏病,在外地工作的儿女担心父亲独居无人照顾,2014年3月,他们将父亲送进乌鲁木齐经济技术开发区(头屯河区)一家养老院,并以姜大爷的名义和养老院签订了《服务合同协议》,约定老人每月交纳服务费1000元,养老院负责全天24小时照顾老人生活起居。 Jiang uncle 80 years old this year, suffering from hypertension, heart disease, working in the field of children worried father alone no one to take care of, they will be sent to his father in March 2014, Urumqi economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutun River District) in a nursing home, and in the name of ginger uncle and resthome signed the "service contract agreement", agreed a month old man to pay the service fee of 1000 yuan, for 24 hours all day long nursing home care for the elderly daily life. 2016年12月29日晚,姜大爷在自己的房间里摔倒受伤,被送往医院住院治疗,花去医疗费40523.9元。姜大爷的子女们对养老院的“失职”很气愤,将养老院起诉到乌鲁木齐市头屯河区人民法院,要求赔偿损失。 On the evening of December 29, 2016, uncle Jiang was injured and injured in his room. He was sent to hospital for medical treatment and spent 40523.9 yuan on medical treatment. Ginger uncle's children to the nursing home "dereliction of duty" very angry, the nursing home to Urumqi District of Toutun River City People's court, request compensation for the loss. 今年7月24日,乌市头区人民法院开庭审理了此案。姜大爷在法庭上称:“当天,养老院护工杜某推门进入时将我撞倒,所以我才受的伤。” In July 24th this year, the head of Urumqi District People's court hearing of the case. Uncle Jiang said in court: "the same day, nursing home workers Dumou pushed the door into when knocked me down, so I got hurt." 养老院负责人刘某辩称:“2016年12月29日晚,护工杜某听到姜大爷的房间有声音,才进入他的房间,此时姜大爷已经摔倒在地。” Nursing home responsible person Liu argued: "the night of December 29, 2016, workers Dumou heard uncle room with ginger sound, before entering his room at this time, Jiang uncle has fell to the ground." 乌市头区法院调查审理后,依法作出判决:姜大爷承担70%、养老院承担30%的责任,养老院向老人赔偿医疗费、住院伙食补助费、护理费等费用27532.97元。 The head of Urumqi court hearing after investigation, the judgment according to the law: ginger uncle bear 70% beadhouses bear 30% of the responsibility, to the elderly pension compensation for medical expenses, hospital food subsidies, nursing fees 27532.97 yuan. 法官说法:《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第二条规定:“当事人对自己提出的诉讼请求所依据的事实或者反驳对方诉讼请求所依据的事实有责任提供证据加以证明。没有证据或者证据不足以证明当事人的事实主张的,由负有举证责任的当事人承担不利后果”。 The judge said: "the Supreme People's court" several regulations about the civil action evidence of the provisions of article second: "the parties based on his claim of the facts or rebuts the facts have the responsibility to provide evidence to prove. If there is no evidence or evidence to prove the facts of the claim, the party concerned who bears the burden shall bear adverse consequences". 此案中,姜大爷并没有证据证明其受伤是养老院护工杜某所致,故对此事故的发生自己应当承担70%的主要责任。而刘某在知道姜大爷患有多种疾病,且岁数较大的情况下,应当与姜大爷协商采用较高的护理级别进行护理,同时在护理中还应加强对姜大爷的照顾和安全保障,对此事故的发生应当承担30%的次要责任。 In this case, Jiang uncle and no evidence to prove that the injury was caused by nursing home workers Dumou, main responsibility they should bear 70% so this accident. And know uncle Liu in the ginger with a variety of diseases, and a large majority of the cases, and the nursing consultation should be ginger uncle a higher level of care, at the same time also should strengthen the nursing care and security uncle Jiang, this accident happened 30% times shall bear the responsibility. |
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