老年人饮食应多加注意 |
添加时间:2020/7/3 15:53:16 浏览次数: |
老年人的消化功能逐渐降低,其他器官也有不同程度的变化,因此饮食应多加注意。 The digestive function of the elderly gradually decreases, and other organs also have different degrees of change, so diet should be paid more attention. 一、饮食要热 老人对寒冷的抵抗力差,如果吃冷食或饭食过凉,即可引起胃壁血管收缩,供血减少,并反射性引发其他内脏血循环量减少,不利健康。 1、 If eating cold food or eating too cold, it can cause contraction of gastric wall blood vessels, reduce blood supply, and reflexively lead to the reduction of blood circulation of other internal organs, which is harmful to health. 二、菜肴要淡 盐吃多了会给心脏、肾脏增加负担,易引起血压增高。老年人一般每天吃盐应以6~8克为宜。 2、 Dishes to light salt, eat more will add to the heart, kidney burden, easy to cause increased blood pressure. Generally speaking, 6-8 grams of salt should be taken every day for the elderly. 三、食物要杂 人体所必需的六大营养素:蛋白质,脂肪,糖,维生素,矿物质和水广泛存在于各类食物中。为平衡吸收营养,保持身体健康,各种食物都要吃一点,不要偏食,挑食。 3、 Food should be mixed with six essential nutrients: protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, minerals and water, which widely exist in all kinds of food. In order to balance the absorption of nutrients, keep healthy, all kinds of food to eat a little, do not partiality, picky food. |
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