内外生态景观营造居家的惬意与舒适 |
添加时间:2020/6/2 15:21:22 浏览次数: |
社区内部以高品质居住环境为标准,精心打造五重立体景观和多功能生态阳光茶歇空间,内外生态景观营造居家的惬意与舒适。以超越常规性物业管理标准之上的1对1管家服务、以“业户需求”为导向的物业管理与服务的深化,为入住长者诚献至尊、至贵的居家品质生活。室内空间以平和、舒适的暖色调风格,在视觉上给居者带来温暖的居家质感,辅以全面适老化设备、设施,给予入住长者惬意的居家感受之上的符合其身份、年龄的定制级享受。 The community interior takes the high-quality living environment as the standard, elaborately creates the five dimensional landscape and the multi-functional ecological sunshine tea break space, and the internal and external ecological landscape creates the comfortable and comfortable home. The deepening of 1-to-1 housekeeper service and property management and service oriented by "business needs" beyond the conventional property management standards will provide the elderly with the highest and most expensive quality of life at home. The indoor space is in a gentle and comfortable warm color style, which brings the residents a warm home feel visually. It is supported by comprehensive aging equipment and facilities, which gives the elderly a comfortable home experience and a customized enjoyment that conforms to their identity and age. |
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