石家庄消防对养老院检查 筑牢冬季"防火墙" |
添加时间:2017/8/30 15:26:17 浏览次数: |
为进一步确保辖区养老机构的消防安全,坚决遏制群死群伤火灾事故发生,确保辖区消防安全环境持续稳定。12月15日下午,石家庄市公安消防支队鹿泉大队监督检查人员深入辖区益寿园老年公寓、宏润老年公寓进行消防安全检查,切实消除火灾隐患,保辖区消防安全稳定。 In order to further ensure the fire safety of the old-age institutions in the district, it is determined to prevent the occurrence of fire accidents and ensure the continuous stability of the fire safety environment in the district. On December 15th afternoon, shijiazhuang city public security fire control team luq brigade of the supervision and inspection personnel into jurisdiction garden elderly apartment, macro profits elderly apartment conduct fire control safety inspection, to eliminate fire hazards, fire safety stability. 检查中,检查人员重点检查了单位是否建立消防安全主体,明确消防安全责任;消防安全档案是否健全;疏散通道、安全出口是否畅通;疏散指示标志和消防应急照明是否设置合理,完好有效;灭火器材是否配齐配全,完整好用;消防控制室值班人员是否在位、操作是否熟练;消防水泵是否保持完好有效;用火、用电、用气制度是否落实,灭火应急预案是否制订。检查人员对发现的问题逐一进行了记录,并现场指导单位应如何整改,对不能当场整改的隐患,向单位下达了法律文书,责令单位限期整改。随后,检查人员要求单位负责人要高度重视防火安全工作,继续加强日常消防安全管理,严格落实整改措施,加强医护消防安全教育培训,提高医护消防安全综合素质和火场逃生自救及疏散能力,保证各项防火措施、制度、要求落实到位,确保消防安全。 During the inspection, the inspectors mainly check whether the unit has established the fire safety main body and clear fire safety responsibility; Whether fire safety records are sound or not; Whether the evacuation channel and the safe exit are unimpeded; Whether the evacuation indicator and fire emergency lighting are reasonable and in good condition; Whether the fire-fighting equipment is equipped with complete and complete use; Whether the on-duty personnel of the fire control room are skilled or not; Whether the fire pump is in good condition; Whether the fire, power, air and air systems are implemented, the emergency preparedness plans are formulated. Inspectors found problems one by one for the record, and on-site guidance unit should how to rectification, potential for not corrected on the spot, issued legal documents to the unit, the unit shall be ordered to make correction. Later, inspectors, head of the unit are required to pay great attention to fire safety work, continue to strengthen the daily fire safety management, strictly implement the corrective actions, strengthen medical fire control safety education training, improve the comprehensive quality care fire safety and fire to escape and evacuation capacity, ensure all fire prevention measures, system, requirements in place, to ensure fire safety. 通过此次消防安全检查,有效改善了养老机构的消防安全环境,为老年人提供一个安全的生活环境,确保辖区无亡人火灾事故的发生。 Through this fire safety inspection, it has effectively improved the fire safety environment of the old-age institutions, provided a safe living environment for the elderly, and ensured the occurrence of fire accidents in the district. |
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