石家庄养老院哪家好?专家教您如何选择适合老人的养老院 |
添加时间:2017/8/28 17:30:58 浏览次数: |
现代社会随着养老压力不断增强,入住养老院已经成为一种“时尚”,很多老人都自愿入住养老院,不过养老院质量参差不齐,如何选择适合的养老院是很多老人和子女面临的问题。下面就由专家为大家介绍如何正确选择养老院? In modern society, with the increasing pressure of pension, admission to a nursing home has become a fashion, many elderly people are willing to stay in nursing homes, nursing homes but the quality is uneven, how to choose the suitable nursing homes is facing a lot of problems of the elderly and children. The following experts introduce how to choose the right nursing home 一、从软件服务方面去选择 First, choose from software services 1、医疗保健、护理服务 1, medical care, nursing services 人到晚年,或多或少都有些疾病或存在突发疾病的可能,所以选择养老院一定要看该养老机构是否设有医务室,配设有专职医生,备有足够的医疗设备和物资。养老院是否具备在院内或就近及时诊疗老人常见病、多发病的能力,能够及时妥善处理各种突发性疾病和其他紧急情况。 People in old age, more or less some disease or disease may exist, so the choice of nursing homes must look at the pension agency is a Clinic, equipped with full-time doctors, adequate medical equipment and supplies. Does the nursing home have the ability to timely diagnose and treat the common diseases and frequently occurring diseases of the elderly in or near the hospital, and can handle all kinds of unexpected diseases and other emergencies in a timely and proper manner. 2、膳食服务 2. Meal service 是否设有单独的老人食堂,能够根据老人喜好以及医疗、保健上的需要,制定科学合理的营养食谱。是否考虑到不同老年人的饮食习惯,是否尊重少数民族饮食习俗。具体考察当中,可询问并查看该养老院以往的食谱,看其是否符合老人要求,有无整体计划。 Whether there is a separate elderly canteen, according to the elderly preferences, as well as medical care, health care needs, the formulation of scientific and rational nutrition recipes. Do you take into account the dietary habits of different aged people and respect the ethnic minorities' dietary customs?. Specific inspection, you can ask and check the nursing home in the past recipes, to see whether it meets the requirements of the elderly, there is no overall plan. 3、生活照料服务 3, life care services 工作人员是否具有良好的职业道德和奉献精神,查看护理人员的护理经验,是否具有上级主管部分颁发的从业资格。要求能够按照合理的时间间隔,为老人提供洗澡、理发、剪指甲、换洗床单被套、衣服等起居照顾服务。 Does the staff have good professional ethics and dedication to see the nursing experience of the nursing staff and have the qualifications issued by the higher authorities?. According to the requirements of the reasonable time interval, with bath, hair, nails, wash sheets quilt, clothes and personal care services for the elderly. 4、心理和社会交往服务 4, psychological and social communication services 既然是颐养的场所,丰富的娱乐社交活动就必不可少,所以需要看养老院是否给老人提供这样的空间和平台,比如:兴趣小组、活动团体等,这些条件都有利于孤寡老人情感上的交流,给老人带去心理上的慰藉。 Since it is a cozy place, rich entertainment and social activities is essential, so need to see whether nursing homes for the elderly to provide such a platform and space, such as interest groups, group activities, these conditions are conducive to the elderly emotional communication, to bring comfort to the elderly. 【小贴士】石家庄中乔养老院在行业内率先开设老人心理疏导室,制定老人心理疏导工作制度,掌握老人心理变化,及时解决老人因患病产生孤独、抑郁、烦躁等心理问题,让入住老人不仅得到医、食、住、行养老服务,更重要的是“养心”让老人得到精神上关怀,在中乔感受到社会温暖,愉快的享受老年生活。 [tip] Joe Shijiazhuang nursing home industry to take the lead in offering the elderly psychological counseling room, making the elderly psychological counseling system, master the elderly psychological changes, timely solve the elderly loneliness, depression, irritability and other psychological problems because of illness, let the elders not only get medicine, food, housing, pension services, more important is "Yangxin" let the elderly get spiritual care in Joe feel the warmth of the community, enjoy life. 二、 从硬件设施方面去选择 Two, from the hardware facilities to choose 1、规模大小 1, size 查看养老院的规模大小,只有达到一定的规模标准,相关的配套设施才能够配备;而且如果没有一定规模,养老院也不可能实现盈利,这样不利于养老院的自我生存和自我发展,对老人长期的照料质量就可能不会保证。最好选择100张床位以上的养老院。 Check the size of the nursing home, only to reach a certain size standard, related facilities can be equipped with; and if there is no certain scale, nursing homes could not achieve profitability, it is not conducive to the aged, self survival and self-development, according to material quality can not guarantee long-term. The best choice is 100 beds above the nursing home. 2、居住设施 2, residential facilities 老人住房不要求豪华,但要舒适、温馨、宽敞、明亮、安静、防滑、通风良好。单人间使用面积、双人间使用面积、三人间使用面积、合居型床位使用面积是否达到国家标准。房间里应根据老人实际需要,配设有各类生活用品、用具,物品摆放整齐有序。居室、洗手间、浴室、走廊、楼梯符合无障碍设施规范要求。有电话或者网络设备,用于与家属情、朋友感情联络。 The elderly house does not require luxury, but to be comfortable, warm, spacious, bright, quiet, non slip, and well ventilated. Single use area, double room use area, triple living space, living space, bed area, whether the national standards?. Room should be based on the actual needs of the elderly, equipped with all kinds of household goods and appliances, goods arranged in order. Rooms, bathrooms, bathrooms, corridors and stairways meet the requirements of barrier free facilities. A telephone or network device used to communicate with family members, friends, or other people. 三、从支付费用方面去选择 Three, from the cost of payment to choose 进入养老院颐养所需交纳的费用,一般包括:住房费、护理费、伙食费、取暖费、医疗费体检、安置费等,部分养老院需要交纳一定金额的押金。 Enter the nursing home maintenance required to pay the cost of the general, including: housing fees, nursing fees, meals, heating costs, medical expenses, medical fees and other parts, nursing homes need to pay a certain amount of deposit. 根据老人的自身情况,选择能自理、半自理、不能自理和特护的服务,依此程度不同,收费等级也有差别;老人对养老院的要求不同,收费等级也有差别。 According to the old man's own situation, choose self-care, self-care, half can not take care of themselves and intensive care services, according to different degrees, charges have different levels of the elderly; requirements for nursing homes are different, have different levels of charges. |
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