不同类型养老服务设施的区别 |
添加时间:2022/11/18 14:26:16 浏览次数: |
不同类型养老服务设施的区别 Differences between different types of elderly care service facilities 接下来,我们具体说一说这些不同类型养老服务设施的区别。首先是【老年人全日照料设施】的区别。 Next, let's talk about the differences between these different types of elderly care service facilities. The first is the difference between [Full day care facilities for the elderly]. (1)敬老院 (1) Nursing home 【敬老院】是许多年前公办的社会福利单位,因为是政府出资,多建立在县区及农村地区。是农村集中供养“五保老人”的场所,收养的“五保老人”依靠集体供养为主,辅之以国家和社会必要的援助。 [Home for the Aged] is a public social welfare unit many years ago. Because it is funded by the government, it is mostly established in counties, districts and rural areas. It is a place where the "five guarantees elderly" are supported in rural areas. The adopted "five guarantees elderly" mainly rely on collective support, supplemented by necessary assistance from the state and society. 小贴士:当时可能觉得“养”字会伤害到老人的自尊,就叫“敬老院”,后来一直沿用这个名称。 Tip: At that time, I thought that the word "support" would hurt the self-esteem of the elderly, so I called it "nursing home", which has been used since. (2)养老院 (2) Nursing home 主要是为老年人提供集体居住,并具有相对完整的配套服务设施,其中也包括医疗服务。如果是放在西方国家,“养老院”通常由地方政府或慈善机构主办,接收靠福利救济或低收入的老人。这类机构的对象通常生活可以自理,也能接受需要照护的老人。 It mainly provides collective housing for the elderly, and has relatively complete supporting service facilities, including medical services. If it is placed in western countries, "nursing homes" are usually hosted by local governments or charities to receive the elderly who rely on welfare relief or low income. The objects of such institutions can usually take care of themselves and accept the elderly in need of care. 而养老院既有政府办的,也有民间办的也就是我们所说的民营企业。民间办的养老院相对来讲无论硬件还是软件方面要好得多,毕竟价格决定服务。现在有很多保定送水 保定骨伤骨病 铜鼎铜钟 淤泥固化设备 保定舞蹈 化粪池钢模具 保定网站建设享受退休金或者家庭经济条件比较宽裕的老人都会选择一些高档养老院度过晚年。 There are both government run and private run nursing homes, that is, private enterprises. Private nursing homes are much better in terms of both hardware and software. After all, price determines service. Nowadays, many seniors who enjoy pensions or have relatively comfortable family economic conditions will choose some high-end nursing homes to spend their old age |
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