什么是养老院 |
添加时间:2020/7/15 15:39:23 浏览次数: |
养老院是专门接待生活可以自理的老年人,为了他们能够安享晚年而专门建立的一种服务机构,可供老人居住生活,娱乐,健身,医疗,保健等. The nursing home is a kind of service institution specially set up to receive the elderly who can take care of themselves, so that they can enjoy their old age. It can be used for living, entertainment, fitness, medical treatment, health care, etc 养老院也分为公立和私立的两种. Nursing homes are also divided into public and private 养老院目前明显处于供不应求的情况,公立的养老院由于资金不足和需求量大而存在着服务质量低,设施不完备等弊端. At present, the supply of nursing homes is obviously in short supply. Due to the shortage of funds and large demand, public nursing homes have disadvantages such as low service quality and incomplete facilities 私立的养老院一般条件都会很好,通常设有酒店级的前台与大厅,内设有独立的医院和几百张床位,所选地板均为防滑的材质,每个房间都有独立的卫生间,楼下还附有公园.这类私立的养老院虽然说条件很好,质量比较高,但是需要的钱也就自然的比较多. Private nursing homes generally have good conditions, usually with hotel level front desk and hall, with independent hospitals and hundreds of beds. The floors selected are made of anti-skid materials. Each room has its own bathroom, and there is a park downstairs. Although such private nursing homes have good conditions and high quality, they need more money naturally |
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