满足其养老需求的新型养老模式--老年公寓 |
添加时间:2020/1/7 14:08:32 浏览次数: |
特点一: Features 1: 老年公寓能为中高经济实力的老年人提供个性化的居住条件和人性化的服务内容。在北京、上海、广州等经济发达的大城市,存在着一批占当地老年人口总数将近6%以上的中高收入老年群体,他们认为养老条件,无论从居住条件还是养老服务水平方面都不能满足他们日益提高的养老需求,因此他们逐渐关注能够满足其养老需求的新型养老模式--老年公寓。 Apartment for the elderly can provide personalized living conditions and humanized services for the elderly with high economic strength. In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities with developed economy, there are a group of middle and high-income elderly people who account for nearly 6% of the total local elderly population. They think that the pension conditions, no matter from the living conditions or the level of pension services, can not meet their increasing pension needs. Therefore, they gradually pay attention to the new pension model that can meet their pension needs -- old Year apartment. 特点二: Features two: 老年公寓属于商业房地产范畴,具有"福利性事业、市场化经营"的特点。我国人口众多,经济发展不均衡,人口贫富差距悬殊,并且属于低福利水平国家,所以政府主要关注并解决社会"低保"、"五保"等处于弱势的老年人群的养老问题,而对中高收入人群养老生活关注的较少,只有一些粗放的政策,并且在现实运用过程中可操作性差。同时由于老年公寓属于新兴事物,它是老年人社会化养老和社会化投资并企业化经营的房地产开发的混合体,有关部门在政策制定和操作方面相对滞后,所以一般开发商在税费减免、金融支持方面得不到相应的优惠,对于具有社会化养老性质的老年公寓,开发商需要完全按照市场条件解决项目立项、项目审批、资金筹措等一系列问题。由于以上原因,老年公寓运营需应遵循市场规律,走"福利性事业、市场化经营"的道路。 Apartments for the elderly belong to the category of commercial real estate, with the characteristics of "welfare undertakings, market-oriented management". China has a large population, unbalanced economic development, wide gap between the rich and the poor, and belongs to a low level of welfare country. Therefore, the government mainly focuses on and solves the pension problems of the vulnerable old people, such as social "minimum security" and "Five Guarantees". However, it pays less attention to the pension life of the middle and high-income people, with only some extensive policies and poor operability in the process of practical application. At the same time, as the apartment for the aged is a new thing, which is a mixture of social pension for the aged, social investment and enterprise management of real estate development. The relevant departments are relatively lagging behind in policy formulation and operation, so the general developers can not get corresponding preferential treatment in tax deduction and financial support. For the apartment for the aged with the nature of social pension, the developers need to A series of problems such as project approval, project approval and fund raising should be solved in full accordance with market conditions. As a result of the above reasons, the operation of apartments for the elderly should follow the market rules and follow the road of "welfare undertakings and market-oriented operation". |
上一页 老年公寓与普通公寓的不同 |
下一页 老年公寓在设计中要把握几个尺度: |
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