老年公寓项目不同于一般房地产项目 |
添加时间:2019/10/11 16:59:52 浏览次数: |
老年公寓项目相对于一般房地产项目投资额大、资金回收期长。老年公寓项目不同于一般房地产项目,它不仅包括住宅本身,还包括许多服务配套项目,并且在设施、设备规划设计、安装方面都要结合老年人的特点,有专家称老年公寓的总体造价要比普通房地产项目高五成至一倍。另外老年公寓的租售方式比一般住宅更为复杂,一般住宅都通过住宅销售实现房地产开发的最终目的,而老年公寓则需要根据老年人市场需求的多种形式,采取租、售结合的方式满足老年人入住,其中一定比例的住宅面积可以实现销售,另一部分须满足租用、度假等需求,并且公共服务设施更需要通过经营来实现收回投资,因此老年公寓的运营模式要采取灵活多样的销售方式保证其正常经营。 Compared with the general real estate project, the old apartment project has a large investment and a long payback period. The apartment project for the aged is different from the general real estate project. It not only includes the house itself, but also includes many service supporting projects. It also combines the characteristics of the elderly in facilities, equipment planning, design and installation. Some experts say that the overall cost of the apartment for the aged is 50% to double that of the ordinary real estate project. In addition, the rental and sale mode of apartments for the elderly is more complex than that of ordinary houses. The general houses realize the ultimate goal of real estate development through residential sales, while apartments for the elderly need to adopt a combination of rent and sale to meet the needs of the market for the elderly. A certain proportion of the residential area can be sold, and the other part must satisfy rent and vacation. Such as demand, and public service facilities need to be operated to recover investment, so the operation mode of apartments for the elderly should adopt flexible and diverse sales methods to ensure their normal operation. |
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