养老院入院须知与要求 |
添加时间:2019/8/5 15:17:46 浏览次数: |
入院须知与要求: Admission Notes and Requirements: 一、入住老人自愿入院。如退院则由本人及家属提出申请,子女及全家人同意方可出院。 1. Voluntary admission for the elderly. In case of discharge, the applicant and his or her family members will apply, and the children and the whole family will not be discharged until they agree. 二、入住老人及家属监护人员交身份证复印件一张、老人乙肝化验单,说明并无精神病、传染病。由老人监护人员与院方签申请表一份、协议书一式两份。 2. A copy of the ID card and a test sheet for hepatitis B of the elderly are submitted by the elderly and guardians of their families, indicating that there is no mental illness or infectious disease. One application form and two copies of agreement signed by the elderly guardian and the hospital. 三、有精神病、传染病的患者不得入住。 3. Patients with mental illness or infectious diseases shall not be admitted. 四、院方提供被套、床单、枕套。入住老人需自带棉被、枕心、脸盆、毛巾、水杯、香皂等日用品及四季换洗衣服。其他多余物品,请不要带入敬老院。 4. The courtyard provides quilt covers, sheets and pillowcases. Old people need to bring their own quilts, pillows, washbasins, towels, water cups, soap and other daily necessities and change clothes in all seasons. Please don't bring any other superfluous articles into the nursing home. 五、入住老人不得将电器带入敬老院。若确实需要,经院方同意方可带入使用,全部费用(包括电费)由家属担负。 5. No electrical appliances shall be brought into nursing homes for the elderly. If it is really necessary, it can only be brought into use with the consent of the hospital. All the expenses (including electricity) are borne by the family members. 六、敬老院对老人提供流动服务与呼叫服务相结合。老人及子女若有增项服务,应该与院方协商。 6. The combination of mobile service and call service provided by home for the aged. If the elderly and their children have additional services, they should consult with the hospital. 七、入住老人如果不习惯院里生活,可以出院,费用按天数退还。 7. If the elderly are not accustomed to living in the hospital, they can be discharged from the hospital. The fees are refunded according to the number of days. |
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