养老院护理老人基本要求及服务内容 |
添加时间:2018/12/11 15:10:34 浏览次数: |
养老院护理老人基本要求及服务内容 Basic Requirements and Service Contents of Nursing Elderly in Nursing Homes 协助满足老年人的基本需要 Assisting in meeting the basic needs of the elderly 食物的需要:注意老年人的膳食营养,为不能自理的老年人喂食和喂水。 Food needs: Pay attention to the dietary nutrition of the elderly, and feed and water for the elderly who can not take care of themselves. 排泄的需要:帮助不能自理的老年人进行排便、排尿,及时清除排泄物。 The need of excretion: help the elderly who can not take care of themselves to defecate and urinate, and remove excreta in time. 舒适的需要:营造安静、清洁、温度适宜的休养环境。 Comfortable needs: to create a quiet, clean, temperature appropriate recuperation environment. 活动和休息的需要:帮助老年人适当活动,并尽可能促进老年人的正常睡眠。 Needs for activity and rest: Help the elderly to exercise properly, and promote the normal sleep of the elderly as far as possible. 安全的需要:防止老年人跌倒、噎食、误吸、损伤,保持皮肤的完整性。 Safety needs: to prevent the elderly from falling, choking, aspiration, damage, and maintain the integrity of the skin. 爱和归属的需要:营造良好的休养环境和人际环境,促进老年人的人际交往,帮助老年人及时与家人联系与沟通,并给予精神上的关心。 Needs of love and belonging: to create a good recuperation environment and interpersonal environment, to promote the interpersonal communication of the elderly, to help the elderly to contact and communicate with their families in a timely manner, and to give spiritual care. 尊重的需要:运用沟通技巧,维护老年人的自尊,保护老年人的隐私。 Respect Needs: Use communication skills to safeguard the self-esteem of the elderly and protect their privacy. 审美的需要:协助老年人的容貌、衣着修饰,使其保持良好的精神状态。 Aesthetic needs: to help the elderly look and dress, so as to maintain a good mental state. |
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