石家庄敬老院收费标准 养老院收费标准 老年公寓收费标准 |
添加时间:2018/1/19 14:48:30 浏览次数: |
【养老院价格】敬老院收费标准 养老院收费标准 老年公寓收费标准 [nursing home price] the standard of standard for old-age apartment charging standard 养老院收费标准一般分为:房间费、伙食费、服务护理费、医疗费、暖气空调费等,不同的地区养老机构收费标准也不相同;同一地区养老机构档次的不等同样收费标准也不相同。可以这样说:养老院收费标准也不算标准,作为用户我们不能把此项作为评定该养老院好坏的一个砝码,我们为老人选择合适满意的养老院主要还是综合来看,比如地理位置、服务设施等等都要作为参考的。 The charge standard of nursing home is divided into: room expenses, board cost, service charge, medical treatment fee, heating air conditioning charge etc., different area endowment agency charge standard is different; The same level of pension institutions in the same area is different. Can say this: the nursing home charging standard is not standard, we can't take this as the evaluation of the nursing home as a user of a weight, we choose appropriate satisfactory nursing home for old people is mainly taken together, such as location, service facilities and so on are to be used as a reference. 【石家庄市中乔养老院】是以收养脑血管病引起需康复治疗及各种失能、半失能老人为主的“医养融合”新型康复护理养老院,建筑面积7000余平方米,床位配置260张。配备电梯,房间配置均为标准间,南北通透,装有空调、数字电视、呼叫器、独立阳台、及装有扶手、防滑地垫、淋浴设施的独立卫生间,同时还配有康复训练、娱乐休闲、阅读书画、文体活动、心理疏导、老人维权会议室等区域,高、中、低档配置为老人提供多样化选择,随时为老人提供优质的生活、护理、医疗服务。 [Joe nursing home in shijiazhuang] is adopted to cerebrovascular disease rehabilitation treatment and various kinds of disability and disability the old man to give priority to the "d" a fusion of the new rehabilitation care nursing homes, building area of more than 7000 square meters, 260 beds. Equipped with elevators, room configuration are standard rooms, north-south all-transparent, equipped with air conditioning, digital TV, pager, independent balcony, and a handrail, non-slip MATS, shower facilities, independent bathroom, at the same time also is equipped with rehabilitation training, entertainment, leisure, reading, painting and calligraphy, recreational activity, psychological counseling, the elderly rights conference room area, such as high, medium and low-grade configuration to provide diversified choice for the old man, at any time to provide the high quality for the old life, nursing, medical services. 不同的地区,不同的养老院,不同的收费标准,大致都是分床位费,护理费,伙食费这几项的。 Different area, different nursing home, different charge standard, basically be cent of bedstand cost, nurse fee, board of meal of this few item. 石家庄养老院,养老院收费标准包括哪些: Shijiazhuang nursing home, which includes: 1、床位费 1. Bed cost 这要看是单人间、双人间,还是普通间、豪华间了。还有推出的:夫妻间、豪华单人间等高端、高档次房间后,这个费用也会相应增加的,然后也会有个三六九等之分。 It depends on whether it is a single room, a double room, or an ordinary, luxurious room. There is also the launch: the high-end and high-end rooms, such as husband and wife, deluxe single room, will also increase the cost accordingly, and then there will be a score of three or six. 2、护理费 2. Maintenance fee 护理费主要是服务照顾老人的费用,不同的老年人有不同的护理需要,所以价钱自然也就不一样。护理型养老院收费标准:根据老人的实际情况,半自理、全自理、全护和痴呆照护四个护理模式,收费也就不同。 The cost of nursing care is mainly the cost of caring for the elderly. Different elderly have different nursing needs, so the price is not the same. Nursing care nursing home fee standard: according to the actual situation of the old man, semi-self-care, total self-care, full protection and dementia care four nursing mode, the charge is different. 3、伙食费 The food expenses 科学饮食,营养配餐。伙食费主要就是包括一日三餐正常费用。 Scientific diet, nutritious food. The cost of board meals consists mainly of three meals a day. 4、医疗费用 4. Medical expenses 比如平时老人看病、吃药、输液等费用。 For example, the old people see doctors, pills, infusion and other expenses. |
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