生活/七家日本养老院,告诉你如何做好养老? |
添加时间:2017/10/11 16:12:30 浏览次数: |
①东中野国王花园 King Park East, central and wild 美国养老机构在日本的本土化 The localization of American pension institutions in Japan 国王花园发源于美国西雅图,40年前进入日本,有很多加盟机构。该机构成立于2013年,是集小规模多机能、聚居之家、区域交流中心为一体的“微机构”。 The King Garden originated in Seattle, USA, and entered Japan 40 years ago. There are many joining organizations. Established in 2013, the institution is a micro - organization integrating small scale, multi function, family and regional exchange centers". 机构一楼是一个开放给社区的公共空间,附近的住民都可以自由出入,其中60%是妈妈带着孩子来玩,她们的参与和互动给入住的老人带来很多亮丽和活力。 A building is an open to the community public space, people living nearby are free to access, which is 60% of the mother took the children to play, participation and interaction they bring a lot of beauty and vitality to the elderly stay. 二楼是小规模多机能的据点,这是一种集短期入住、日间照料、居家等三种服务为一体的综合性的照护方式,能够非常灵活的应对老人的照护需求,让他们能够长期地住在既有的社区当中。该小规模多机能总共照顾19位老人。 The two floor is a small scale multi-functional stronghold, which is integrated with a set of short stay, day care, home and other three kinds of services for the integrated care, can be very flexible to deal with the elderly care needs, so that they can live in the long existing community. The small scale features a total of 19 elderly people. 三楼和四楼是聚居之家,分两个单元,一共有19个床位。聚居之家是专门针对认知症老人的小微照护机构,又叫“组屋”,必须要有医生诊断为认知症的老人才能入住,是日本很主流的照顾认知症老人的机构类型。 The third floor and the four floor are family houses, which are divided into two units, with 19 beds in all. Where is home for the elderly with cognitive small care facilities, also called "flat", there must be a doctor diagnosed with dementia elderly to stay, is the type of institution of Japan's mainstream care cognition in elderly people. 机构的设计也很有特色,充分考虑老人身理和心理上的需求,很多细节值得借鉴:暖黄色调的灯光,特殊安全材料的地板,特意做低的天花板,怀旧的家具,具有强大收纳功能的壁橱,都给人以家的感觉。 The design is very unique, fully consider the elderly physical and psychological needs, many of the details are worth learning: warm yellow lights, special material safety floor, do low ceilings, retro furniture, has powerful function of taking the closet, give a person with the feeling of home. 机构在照护理念上充分尊重老人渴望独立,渴望融入社会和家庭的心理愿望,采取开放的管理模式,不仅社区居民很容易利用这里的空间,入住老人也能自由进出机构,即使是认知症老人,也常常在工作人员陪同下外出。 In full respect for the elderly care: a desire for independence, eager to integrate into the social and family psychological desire, take the open management mode, not only the community residents can easily use the space here, the elderly also have free access to institutions, even dementia elderly, often accompanied by staff to go out. 除此之外,还鼓励和辅助入住老人(哪怕是有认知症)力所能及地做一些事情,让他们充分找到自己的角色。比如参与做饭,洗碗等等,以维持老人的自立能力。 In addition, they also encourage and assist elderly people living in the house (even if they have cognitive disorders) to do something within their power, so that they can fully find their roles. For example, participate in cooking, washing dishes and so on, in order to maintain the self-reliance of the elderly. ②ゆいま~る中沢 The beauty of sweet ~ ~ in Kanazawa. 强调社区互动&居家感 Emphasis on Community Interaction & home feeling 在日本冲绳的地方语言中,“ゆいま~る”是互相帮助的意思。公司也是以“互相帮助”为经营理念,在日本国内以ゆいま~る为品牌运营8家养老机构,员工130名。该机构的管理者非常擅长养老机构的定位和模式设计,以及如何通过和社区的互动来提高入住率。 In Japan, Okinawa local language, "the beauty of sweet ~ ~ in" is meant to help each other. The company is to "help each other" business philosophy, in Japan to live in beauty ~ ~ the brand operation of 8 pension institutions, 130 employees. The agency's managers are very good at the positioning and model design of pension institutions and how to improve occupancy through interaction with the community. 该机构位于坐电车30分钟能到达到市区的两个车站中间,交通非常方便,另外机构周边配备有急性期医院和慢性期医院,生活配套也非常齐全,因此特别受到欢迎。 The agency is located in two stations to reach the urban middle tram ride for 30 minutes, the traffic is very convenient, also equipped with surrounding institutions in acute stage and chronic stage hospital hospital, living facilities are also very complete, therefore especially welcome. 机构的建筑分A栋和B栋。 The buildings are divided into A building and B building. A栋的2--7楼是自理老人为主的银发公寓,一共能容纳56户老人,1楼是由食堂和与机构合作的医疗法人承担的诊所和访问看护中心(访问看护在中国是一个护士上门服务的概念),入住率高达95%。 A building 2--7 floor is mainly elderly self-care for the elderly apartments, houses over 56 elderly households, 1 buildings are borne by the Medical Corporation canteen and with agencies of clinics and access to care centers (visit nursing in Chinese is a concept of nurse on-site service), the occupancy rate is as high as 95%. B栋由收费老人院,短期入住区域,小规模多机能和针对失智老人的聚居之家构成。整个机构形成了一套可持续性服务的体系,从老人健康可自理到状态,到身体衰弱需要提供常规性介护,到中度或失智照护直到老人去世,都可以提供一站式的服务。 B building by charging homes, short-term occupancy area, small scale multi-functional and home for the elderly with dementia in the form. The whole mechanism has formed a set of sustainable service system, from the elderly health care to the state, to the weak need to provide routine care, or to moderate dementia care until the death of the elderly, can provide one-stop service. 该机构经营特色有三点: The agency operates in three points: 第一、强调自己不是机构,而是住宅的概念,强调保障入住老人的自由和尊严; First, stressed that they are not institutions, but the concept of housing, emphasizing the protection of the freedom and dignity of the elderly; 第二、强调家的概念,鼓励健康老人和护理人员一起参与到事务中来,也是公司“互相帮助”这个理念的体现。 Second, emphasize the concept of family, encourage healthy elderly and nursing staff to participate in the affairs together, and also the "mutual help" concept of the company. 第三、和入住老人一起营造一个社区的概念,机构除了为在此入住的老人提供服务,也是一个开放式的为社区老人服务的据点。 Third, with the elderly living together to build a community concept, institutions in addition to the elderly here to provide services, but also an open service for the elderly community base. 该机构也特别善于抓住老人怀旧,恋家的心理,可以让老人把自己喜欢或习惯的东西带到机构中来,入住的房间除了基础配备,很多的摆件,家具都是老人自己从家里带来的。二楼的活动室的钢琴、木琴,图书馆里的书都是老人们自己从家里带过来的。 The agency is also particularly good at seize the old nostalgia, love psychology, can let the old man put his love or habit of things to the institutions to stay in the room besides equipped, many ornaments, furniture is the old man himself brought from home. The two floor of the room of the piano, xylophone, the books in the library are their own brought from home. 老人之间会相互分享自己的心头所好,促进了两人之间的交流,另外,由于是老人自己的东西,他们也会特别爱惜,并会自己保管整理,既能减少机构的开支投入,又减轻了护理人员的工作压力,老人们也在这个过程中得到很多的乐趣。 The old man will share their heart, promote the exchange between two people who are elderly, in addition, due to their own things, they will take good care of yourself, and will keep finishing, which can reduce agency spending, and reduce the pressure of nursing staff, the old people are in the process in a lot of fun. ③鹤之苑 Crane court 解决好人员流失,才能保证服务质量 Solve the loss of personnel, in order to ensure the quality of service 其运营者为社会福祉法人合掌苑,有55年的历史,不仅有机构,还有居家服务,可以为老人从健康状态到生命末期提供完整的一站式照护。它是日本唯一获得经营品质奖的养老机构。 The operators for social welfare with yuan, has 55 years of history, not only institutions, and home services, can provide a complete one-stop health care for the elderly from the state to the end of life. It is the only pension institution in Japan that has won the quality award. 鹤之苑是从2004年开始入住,建筑面积7380平方米,地上7层,地下1层。其中银发公寓有23张床位,入住率100%,而且长期保持30--50人排队等待入住的状态。 Crane court from 2004 began to move in, the construction area of 7380 square meters, 7 floors on the ground, 1 floors underground. Among them, the silver haired apartment has 23 beds, occupancy rate of 100%, and long-term 30--50 queue waiting to stay in the state. 养老院的部分3-4层为普通照护区域,2层为失智老人照护区域,有100张床位。日间看护区域登记服务人数200人,每天可服务50人。机构内还设有诊所、餐厅、美容室、公共浴室等,老人可以在这里享受安全放心 The nursing home part of the 3-4 layer is a general care area, 2 for the elderly with dementia care area, there are 100 beds. There are 200 registered services in the day care area, serving 50 people per day. There are also clinics, restaurants, beauty salons, public bathrooms, etc., where the elderly can enjoy safety and rest assured |
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